Katy Speech & Debate Academy
Informed thinkers. Confident speakers.
Dear Parents,
Our team did amazingly well again at the Seven Lakes High School Tournament competing against 9th and 10th grade novices in all events and even juniors and seniors in Impromptu. It was nice to see several students who did could not make it, join us on Saturday to support team mates and spectate.
We had less than 10 students attending and everyone did amazingly well. We had first year students placing in semi finals which is amazing! Our more experienced 6th and 7th graders continue to consistently place in semi-finals and finals tournament after tournament. Please show your kids the PDF. I will try to do a better job capturing everyone in pictures next time. If you have pictures of your child during the tournament, please feel free to send them to me on the day of the tournament to be included in the PDF.
Every Sunday, we continue to have rounds of Extemp, Impromptu, and oratory in our speech class. We have an efficient method to make sure students give at least 3 speeches. Extemp takes 40-50 minutes for each student including critique. Please take time to remind your kids to file articles on daily basis if they are competing in Extemp.
I am glad to see the students continue to excel and have fun at the same time :)
Ann Luu